Tj don't rage because you suck at PvPing. It's bull that I have hacked armor, your just mad because I'm a better PvPer. TEAM OP for the win
Name : Justin IGN : ChocolateBros Age : 13 Skype : jluong52 Mineverse Rank : commander What are your PvP experience : I'm a very good pvper. I...
Im also a member to.
1. I am 13 years old. 2.My in-game name is ChocolateBros. 3. I live in a pacific time zone. 4. I live in the United States of America 5. I am a...
awesome application
I help u make it.
Hi girfriend
Help u make it in.
Thnks by the way.
Ok I will.
My moderator application I am currently 13 right now. Relax Im a realy mature 13 year old...
Moderator Application How old are you? I'm 13 years old. Your in-game name: ChocolateBros What time zone are you in? I live in a...
I hope u do good to the server
Goood luck
Don't you have god armor
You have to answer the questions from NoobCrew