Okay thanks for the lesson, I won't curse anymore if it ignores other people.
Okay you little , your telling someone online to kill themselves because they swear on a minecraft server forum. Are you like 6, A lot of...
That's bot camel alt and I do know who's alt that is and that's a seceret you would never find out
Yea sure, your saying I have my own mafia in kit PVP and giving hack armor to people. That's ing . I should just start my own possy
Yea buddy.
My ingame name ChocolateBros Everyone is saying I hack and I have hacked armor. The truth of why everyone thinks I'm hacking is because I'm a...
Charlie just stop please
Yea u called me and I told u to tp and I killed u
You'll be like please chocolate I'm sorry for posting that video I recorded like 3 month ago.
I should record u on your alt using god armor
There's hacked armor on factions.
That was a long time ago like 3 months. Those pieces r gone now. I gave them to ryan2624 because I thought I was going to quit the server but I...
That isn't me
Ninja stop hating because tj told I to hate on me
I don't hack
What did I say
Oh sann told u
How do I lie
Why r u so mean to me
Okay fine