Banned for being a wolf
I'm just gonna sit back and watch the flamewar start :)
Banned for thinking Portal is awesome (Although I must agree, it is)
He didn't get banned for nothing, he was advertising. Clearly something that should be bannable. If you have proof of Programmer007 advertising...
Not everyone finds it humourous.
Jesus f*ck, people need to chill. I mean yeah, I agree it wasn't mature really, but as long as Prin doesn't say stuff like that again in chat...
Not at all horrified..
No support.
I have an idea. How about you leave? Yeah. You've done enough.
Four days? That ain't a break.
No problemo. The map finished looks amazing though!
Support! And I helped with the map a bit too.
fight me
I dunno if I supported yet, but otherwise, supporting again.
Some people go on Minecraft to be within a community where they feel well-liked and appreciated, like they're worth something.
*pounces* HIIIII!
Meh, to be quite honest, since I've never seen you in-game, I don't give a <edited>.