Friend's name: @Mookiezzx How you met: Infection. Why you appreciate them: You're a p cool guy, honestly, and you're fun to Skype with.
You're basically a -edit (Please do not edit what a moderator has edited)- with an obsession for pandas, that's what I think of :p
Ah, really? Thank you :)
I'm disappointed... [SPOILER]
No support. ADD COLOURS Give longer answers Bold the titles, it's not formatted very well. It was difficult to read Add way more info Since you...
:t: ah, i see
shhhh then why quote my post and say it?
Kanye West is the Kanye best B)
No screenshots, no. Proof in memory, yes.
I wanted to play mellophone -,- I was stuck with the flute, unfortunately.
//facepalm Our marching band is pretty good, not the best. It isn't the damn best because a few dumbasses don't memorize their sh*t and mess up....
No support, you're quite rude in-game. You most definitely aren't respectful to players as you stated. Good luck.
1. When people walk on the wrong side of the stairs at school. Walk on the right side, PLEASE. 2. That one person who thinks it's cool to stop in...
Aw, goodbye.
No problem. Good luck :3
Yes, that would be logical. That's disrespectful to players, don't do that.
I suggest you change the way you are in-game so you don't get a bad reputation. Making this thread can possibly alert people to not give you...
Welcome :)
I... I thought you were Cyp..
I am shedding actual tears rn. Inspirational.