edit: realised you were closing, good luck.
congrats! :)
hi <3 haven't seen you on in a while, you still here?
coincidence? i think not
half the time when we skype i'm stuffing my face with crisps and looking like absolute crap. secondly, you take screenshots and i'd rather you not...
. i vid called at least three times though, that should be enough
Oh is that Doctor Who I see ;)
Kirito :)
Wowza, thanks. I applied but haha, don't exactly have the best reputation.
Support :)
I know you're banned and whatever, but I'm still going to put in my opinion. Cyp is what, like, nineteen? He probably goes to school, has a job,...
No support. The server needs votes to keep it running.
I love the first one, it's a fairly long thread and I think we should keep that one going.
My apologies but as far as I know, learned is a more common term.
No support. Add more info You have a few grammar mistakes (ex ; "learnt" is not a word) Organise it better The server hasn't even been up for...
Neutral. Add more information Become more active on Forums Be more active in-game .. I understand that this was meant to be a joke but...
Suuuuport. We have quite a few Mods, but the problem is that some lack quality. Don't get me wrong, we have a few amazing mods, but the rest...