lmao why did you rate a post of mine no support when the video and thread have been dead for over a year
mine are kind of a steel blue.
Aa thank you so much!
I agree with this to a certain extent. Some threads are placed in the wrong section but I don't understand why people make such a big deal of it,...
Every single Forum website has an Off-Topic section full of random crap like this. Allow people to post what they want, yeah? Don't like it, stay...
I would change who my mother banged because lmao I didn't get very good genes.
1. Who are you really? 2. What worries you most about the future? 3. If this were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are...
50% , pretty good for Christmas treeing it.
Aw =( You're still inactive. Hope to see you soon, my dude.
Can I pet your bunny? :3
I saw somebody do this & it seemed fun, so here goes ten minutes of my life: 1. Real name: Hannah. 2. Nickname: Too many, really. 3. Favorite...
Hello, Gianni! =)
Agree and disagree. Agree: Zombie skins are quite misleading when the original player's skin is a zombie. I say this because one time during a...
I find it kind of sad that kids actually "date" on an online block game. I mean my opinions have changed, I honestly don't care at this point....