Baby is banned :D
Hey :)
Notice to all of you guys: Quickflame quit MV.
19) Realize your sister isn't at home right now.
17) Realize you got homework but procrastinate.
15) Saige. :t:
13) Ask your crush out.
11) get fired from the job.
ashley12zena is not following you :O
8.) Prank 7 year olds or your best friends. :P
Did you actually call? :P
Welcome :P
Banned for lying.
Banned for raising your middle finger. I was cwying all night because you waised you middle finger C: (jk)
if you gave me 1 mil prison I could give a lot Opprison money
I will buy the berserker for 50 bil in Opprison.
to make a plot similar to this you need to pay a lot more than 25 billion.