Attitude? I was just asking about " Why? " If you're gonna be respectful please don't comment anymore.
Reason why please? No need too be sorry, I need everyone's choices.
Support! :p
Thank you (:
Huh? xD Rate people negatively? on What posts?
I did not.
Your ingame name: AsianFinest_ The offender's ingame name: EZak826 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming....
Reason why?
Thank you Builder!
Sorry :( I was on my phone, so it was quite difficult :/ Thanks!:D
How old are you? I'm currently 15 right now. I will be turning 16 in July. Your in-game name: AsianFinest_ What timezone are you in? Mountain...
No support. #sorrynotsorry
No Support. You won't make mod, you're so impolite, disrespectful and complain a lot. You don't have the responsibility.
We're not talking about what you have in your inventory. We're talking about you ( becoming ) a mod. It has serious rules, responsibilities,...
I want too be mod also. But I don't think I fall into that section. What do you mean everyone likes me?
You're welcome. Learn from other people so you become a better moderator. Step your game up if you want too be a mod. I'm out, I'll look through...
Lol, mcnerd, give the 13-14 year old a break. Some of our new mods aren't even that good. They're young and don't take enough responsibilities....
Both. If ( if ) you get mod, step up to more responsibilities. You're not very active, 2-3 hours. I know most of you people are busy, but don't do...
If you're going to be a mod, you need to take those kind of responsibilities. Like being a good speller, proper grammar etc. You say you will...
I don't quite understand what you're trying to say. People need to write properly in grammar. Noah's writing and your writing don't make sense,...