IGN : AsianFinest_ Offenders - RobetLottie, sebbe12088 & kevelito123 Rule Broken: Tpa trapping, telling community to, "tpa for 1 v 1 , tpa for 3...
Thank you. & I do not. Sorry but my recording set up is still being fixed atm. But I know for sure Achilles hacks. Kill aura and bow hacks.
Rudeness from her & her boyfriend. <-- kyleatho It didn't show up in the screenshot I don't think but kyleatho threatened and said I'll kill you...
Name : AsianFinest_ Player: achilles1222 Bow hacks. Screen shots. P.S: I know it doesn't look like it but he's shooting rapidly. Notice how he...
Yes lol. I'm not that good xD Thanks <3
What is your in-game-name: How old are you : 15 What rank are you: Commander From 1to10 how good are you PvPing: I don't know, 4 cx For how many...
Your ingame name: AsianFinest_ The offender's ingame name: albiejoe04 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Cursing at me....
Oops posted same photos. Sorry.
Your ingame name: AsianFinest_ The offender's ingame name: BigSmasher24 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Rude &...
You aren't related to this thread. Don't comment please, and I've auctioned this item in front of many mods, and they haven't said anything.
Lol, it's no hacked item etc. this item was legal long ago back in Mineverse.
@ieatwaffles dude quit hacking on MrSnipe. We all know it's your alt. you just teamed up with a bunch of hackers just to kill us all cause you suck
TheDemonHunter was also hacking.
Lol don't give this guy a chance. He's scammed so many people. I just love the way your excuses round up to, " I don't rank people up " to " my...
He scammed me 1k also.
AsianFinest_ charizard54321 Rude names screen shots
and Explain to me, how much information you know about hacks? Lol, proving my point so far, correct? And I'll probably get warned or a mute lol....
Lol you do hack. That's why you got banned the first time? and I'm a she, get it right. Just admit you hack and we won't be arguing LOL. I'm sorry...
Chris did the same thing, I offered him 1k and full p4 set and Sharp V axe, he said be right back then I after he came back I told him I was...
Your ingame name: AsianFinest_ The offender's ingame name: thespinypig12345 & Herobrine_King_ A description of what rule they broke/how they...