you need 750 messages and like 200 positive ratings ;-; but you could make it your YouTube banner if you want
I think it also might be Temples you can't go to mid on.
You mean the centre? It's only on Skyline restaurant what you can't build to mid on, well, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, I support this ^.
Just remove him as a friend. If you ask him to stop, and he doesn't, he obviously doesn't care about your opinion.
it says I'm cooking @MrFishy for dinner
hello comment for a tbh and I will give u my honest opinion oxox!! [IMG]
slaps head
bye have a good life enjoy Christmas stay safe
there u go ily
Oh hey you're back :)!
sry I was weird on skype I had a little to much sugar I'm sorry if you don't like it :(
Thanks :)
Hey sorry i'm late but late congratulations on mod :)
Grats 7k :)
one * post is to short spam*
*Edit* Changed to support.
No problem. If you want I could help you make some up in a convo, no pressure though.