You can't exactly be a mod and not know what headsnapping is. It's one of the most obvious hacks there is.
Thanks everyone
Thank you Griff :)
Sorry, I'll probably be inactive a bit lately, my mums had another seizure and everything's gone downhill... :/
hi again woops ies
Not if I push you under :) Just kidding XD
MrFishlips ShrekTheOger Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA] TY
hi its meeee
No support. I don't see you very often ( Possibly Timezone ) You only have 76 messages, meaning you NEED TO be more active. Good luck.
oh WOW
bad :(
I ask a simple question and i get this. XD
MrFishlips GODZILLANS69 Swearing https://gyazo.com/9b44858b8c392e51d355bae0c63ffaf6 Thank you!
Neutral. Yesterday I was on OpPvp and a saw a hacker, the mod tp'd, and the hacker could clearly see the moderator, so they toggled it off. On the...