I have had forums since 2015 xD I just got locked out
I have had a bad history I got hacked recently and well got banned for freaking out and banned for "Hacking " But I am fine I have some good...
My IGN: AesirHelix Their IGN: ZlakerZ Rule they broke: Kill Aura Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AesirHelix Their IGN: Anti_Falko Rule they broke: No slow down Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AesirHelix Their IGN: Travis1025 Rule they broke/How they broke it: No KB Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AesirHelix Their IGN: MysticFlyingFox7 What they did/What rule they broke: Speed and kill aura Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AesirHelix Their IGN: VENTIIE Rule they broke/How they broke: Speed and kill aura Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AesirHelix His IGN: Zombie____Creed What he did/Rule he broke: TP Killing Evidence: [MEDIA]