Well good night to you all
Ok I just didn't want to have anyone mad at me over it or something
I have fixed it sorry if I have offended anyone
I sorry if I have offend anyone I fix it
I wanted to fix it and post it on a new one just to get a fresh start.
Intro Hello my name is Derrick, I am writing this new mod application because my last one wasn't that great. So I hope you enjoy my new mod...
It's just I'm confused I don't really know what else to say I'm mean that just really I feel How I feel
I'd just like to apologize for the way I was acting and I hope that you can forgive me.
Y'all I'm sorry about the way I was acting I'm just having one of those days were I'm just mad for stupid reasons. Proverbs 29:11 Fools give...
Exactly but still no one likes it at all
The thing is I've tried this is the second time I've written one and still no one is happy. And what more info do you need, you keep saying more...
Ok I'm just done I mean I've tried everything to be what you want me to be but I just can't I'm not gonna be the perfect guy just to get your...
thanks for all the advice
Also thanks for all the help people have given to help me make this perfect.
Thank U Guys
Derrick Griffin/TheDoctor321 SkyWarpZ He Was griefing another Player /Destroying Land The Person on the Stone Part is SkyWarpZ the one on the...
Thank you All for your Comments I have been on for two year i have only played survival most of the time. If you have any detail on how i can make...