Thanks to everyone's comments
I've been on the forums I just haven't done a intro
Wow great answers
Hey guys my name is Derrick Griffin also know as TheDoctor321. I would just like to formally introduce myself because I want to feel apart of the...
I'm deciding which one to get I would like to hear y'alls opinion
Ok thank for the help guys
I didn't mean to seem inpatient or something
I was just wounding if there was a certain date they choose or something
So does any one know when the final decision is
Thank u Elephznt
See with others mod apps.I've notice that their friends say support and random people they don't know say no support . If only my friends would...
Well I mean not saying I disagree with people I do I just don't really show it
I never disagreed with anyone
If you would like to read my Mod application it's on the second page of the mod apps
Well I wrote a mod app saying that I would be more active on more than just survival and I haven't really go to because of parent issues
Sorry guys I haven't been on the server must h this week I have just had some struggles at home so I couldn't get on. But starting tomorrow I will...
I have fix the mistake and added color
TADS5 plz don't block this I didn't know about it and I delete the other ones.
Intro Hello my name is Derrick, I am writing this new mod application because my last one wasn't that great. So I hope you enjoy my new mod...
And thank you for your honesty