Do you have something against me
Wow A little harsh because im Autistic. you Know I try really hard and I get staff on those servers, and All those servers are down if you could...
Not Enough Information. No Support. Get to Know the community. Not Enough Detail. Edit your post, you still have time.
What does that have to do with Getting Minigames -,-
No Support Get a Huge FanBase, that kinda helps your Chances in a way because the Owners see that the people would accept you as a Moderator Be...
The Spawn you have is Cool But you have had it for About the whole time this server has been up I think its time for a Change A Spawn Like...
thans dude
Dude How do you advertise your Moderator application at the bottom of your messages Thanks!
Ikr One time I got 53 kills in turf Wars, you probably don't believe me but that was because the game went for literally 30 minutes
OH YEA I forgot those
Oh thanks Man.
I think you Should create a New BungeeCord server Minigames with the following games Turf Wars One In The Chamber EarthGames Spleef Etc it would...
Do yu mean Community like the Website community or the communit like inGame
im trying to get good feedback but someone always has somthi to say bad
then yo ucant assume that I haven't Been staff on 30 servers when you don't know me
no one ever believes me, but I hve most of them have gone down im been playing Mc Since servers we first out
Want ip to all of them
what do you mean support From who
Hope you guys Like please give feedback of Course