Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: iReckinqs The offender's exact ingame name: _Rachel19...
lit. (period) Then
bumpp :)
Well, I decided to state my opinion.
Not really. She was rude before, and she has changed. Re-Support <3
i miss youuuuu <3
I would like juve to win, since I am a Barca fan. Ronaldo will most likely score an offside goal
CL Final... Juve gon win by one point.
ugh djfgsdjf
D.E.F.I.N.I.T.E.L.Y SU.P.P.O.R.T.I.N.G Y.O.U T.E.E.E.B G.O.O.D L.U.C.K <33333
oh yeeeeeaaaaah
purple comboz <3
Thanks! haha I will lol yep
How much money on Skywars do you want?
let me see, I can get more any time though.
okayy thanks,
Hoppers don't work on Skyblock, due to dupes. What makes you have no support? I don't seem what is so bad about it. My suggestion is here to...
Hello! I am BreakfastBoy! I am asking anyone who can get me the God-Titan rankup! I am willing to pay money on skyblock, or servers that you may...
Hello! I am BreakfastBoy, or iReckinqs! I am here to suggest a command for mainly skyblock, but it doesn't really matter. I think we should add...