10 sfsf
8 :) :)
@Sando3 I have a few days left lmao
6 torontooooo
So, they trusted him on their islands for help reasons, then he took a lot of dirt from oSync, also. When they were afk / offline.
@Amori same
https://www.mineverse.com/threads/care-to-let-me-argue-before-you-close-itseco-skyblock-blackmail-clx-handled.126750/ , about this thread, NoTxch...
gnbo sfsj
you-know-what (period)
he was high
no support, it's useless and not needed
He slapped himself
Itwasn't me who bought it xD I would never use irl money on a game xD
https://gyazo.com/2c0f33a20faa48b8694030d8397afabf I got my alt premiummmm
a stupid owner
i dun know
4 vbnfgh
Get on, I need you to witness a rank-up trade, please.