Your ingame name: Vicesmith_ The offender's ingame name: woodz119 & jokeus A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking. Both...
Your ingame name: Vicesmith_ The offender's ingame name: randyort A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking. Uses RapidFire...
Your ingame name: Vicesmith_ The offender's ingame name: milesgj A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking. Uses...
Your ingame name: Vicesmith_ The offender's ingame name: funnykidhere and IcePanda42 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
In-game name: Vicesmith_ Offender's in-game name: chickenbutt11 Offense: Hacking. Uses Rapid Fire Bow and GodeMode. Plus Force TP [media]
In-game name: Vicesmith_ Offender's in-game name: Wizzzk Offense: Uses hacks in OP PVP. Hacks used include GodMode, AntiKnockback, and Critical...
In-game name: Vicesmith_ Offenders in-game name: Wizzzk Offense: Hacking in OP PVP. Uses AnitKnockback and GodMode and Critical Hits
What recording system did you use MWajeeh250? And how did you upload it to this website?
How do you upload videos to forums? I need to know how to
In-game name: Vicesmith_ Offender's in-game name: pwnnoobs234 Description of offense committed: On OP PVP, pwnoobs234 is using a hack client and...