Pile_of_Butts Please come on Op pvp right now! this kid kingnsv2002 is being racist to everyone he saying stuff like he's the new hitler and all...
Thank you for the support! :I If I get this I will give my all to help out any player. I won't have favorites, everyone gets treated the same no...
Support good luck! .3. <3 Much love kitty was here.... >:I
:D! Thank you so much!
I will thank you.
I support you and it isn't wrong to defend yourself.
._. I did say I was ban for disrespect of player, I do the time that is needed to be done if I am ban. I don't like when people talk bad about me...
I'm going to wait at least 2 more days to take notes and fix was is needed. thank you all for taking the time to read my mod application.
Ok thank you. :I
I think this should be better xD the first one was made at 5:00 am when I was half asleep.
I'm going to look at other mod applications to see what I can improve on. Thank you all of those who commented things I should edit into my...
Ok thank you.
If you think I should add more to my mod application people tell me what I am missing so I would be able to add on. thanks to those who are taking...
Thank you! I will.
Welcome to my moderator application...
Love I so support new add on's to the server and I think this would be great to have on MV i'm not a mod or anything like that but just being able...
:cat: I would love to see how you do as a mod cause I think more mods would be helpful so no player would feel like they got missed on a report...
Your ingame name: kittycraft3497 The offender's ingame name: SnakeButCH A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
;-; GizzBots, soney is at it again can you please msg so you can deal with the report.