If hes making a new shop, he should put the multiple disks up for sale. I've traveled all over and found lots of green and yellow disks but...
Could we post new Spawn area suggestions?
Your ingame name: Alpha_Zeon The offender's ingame name: Kabrammer A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Griefing, advertising...
Your ingame name: Alpha_Zeon The offender's ingame name: Grimm0309 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Griefing, advertized...
Buying claim blocks, what about this? Should it be enabled? And should the maximum claim blocks be increased?
Yeah but if i dont want a big hole in the ground, but i want resources, that means i'll have to dig somewhere other than my claim. If my home...
One or two survival mods, for different times. /warp Mine - Official mine that resets every so often.
I don't know if i can mention the name, but on another server there's options to enable/disable mob spawns on your claimed land, and the ability...
I'm pretty sure the griefprevention plugin has something that prevents block destruction from monsters.
Some kind of Censoring on weapon names as well. Just saw a completely inappropriate sword name. Gonna post pretty much anything I can think of....
Yeah make the money per rank alot higher with the top rank being like 500k or 1M. Mob Spawning Because it just dosent feel like survival...
Additional Note: He moved the warp back a bit making it look like it gives you a choice, but he was advertising the warp while it was in a...
1. Alpha_Zeon 2. lightgx4764 3. Global Server Rule 1 and 4 Do not grief, steal, or bridge (skyblock servers). You will be immediately banned,...
Additional note: He didnt claim the land. Walking 6000 blocks from spawn was a pain.
1. Ingame Name: Alpha_Zeon 2. Offenders Ingame Name: MCDoubleE 3. Global Server Rule 1 and 4 Do not grief, steal, or bridge (skyblock servers)....
In-game name: Alpha_Zeon Offenders Name: Graphic2000 Rule Broke: Disrespect or Vulgar display? Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I must of missed it aswell.