Why'd you ban VanillaBabe?
how did you get those signs
I see you in-game a lot and you are nice and you are respectful! I see you follow all the rules and I would love to see you as a mod :D :P!
Support! You have helped me in the past and been going hard on the reports! I believe in and you and good luck! :p
Can u check out my report
Can you check out my report?
@kinsey_kid @Devid0ze
@MaxNinja10 @Jhow @Janice999 @tin15cro @Dyna_Mighty @Nanurz
@MaxNinja10 @Nanurz @Olivxr @
Your ingame name: zStrafe The offender's exact ingame name: mm_dm A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Racism Evidence/full...
Support. You seem like a pretty chill guy and I would love to see you as a mod :D
Jhow look at my ban appeal :I
First of all you're NEVER on mineverse. Second Mineverse has more hackers than players that legit.
Then just close it. It failed and no purpose to keep it open. Scorvix is right
You literally no nothing about hackers. Because new hackers join? I don't know ask them.
Yes you can. Lmfao hackers can go into gamemode 1 and give themselves xp bottles.
Will opfactions be reset and will we lose our stuff!!?!??!?!?!?!
soul hero what is happening on mineverse its down and op pvp is gone and so is factions
What is happening Nightmare minverse down and op pvp is gone and so is factions