how does that work?
Great app! U will get acepted i bet XD good luck
Idk I guess its okay to let them break blocks because of portal trappers and griefers
I went on recently to find people trapping in portals, I have screenshots but this isnt report. Im just saying we need to stop them.
Can they tp other people away?
I hope we can both be mods I just applied too XD
Maybe he was added but i dont know
Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. How old are you? 9 years old (10 in march but I act older then most people think)...
No, mods should not clear plots because one time i logged onto my accout and it was cleared so i couldnt get it back because someone else told...
good luck, maybe we can both be mods XD
keep this one please XD
Id like to be mod for 3 key reasons: 1) I need to ban people 2) Help the server 3) Have a cool nametag Thats about it XD
Im 9 years old, I like churros, I play golf with old men, and I drink that purple drank!! XD Thats all really
Becuase how could a guy witht the name TheCoolNiceGuy2006 NOT be cool? Amirite
Hey guys my name is Lorby, im new I love creative + ender portals Hope 2 C U Soon XD
Blah XD