no i meant to to help build with me, i started making a redstone calculator with my cousin
ok i want clear things up 1 im not a bad guy at heart even tho i regret doing the bad things 2 i changed since then 3 i dont have 400 alts only...
or i also like diglett
Comment below! Mine is either Lickitung, squirtle, or jiglypuff
you have to make more space on ur island i think
Well at least post a pic of urself XD Thats what this thraed is about
ok that sounds good thank u
So do i wait a few weeks to become mod or are you guys ignoring me XD
so iwas on creative a few weeks ago and some guy gave me an item and it made my minecraft crash :( it looked like a purple and black big block......
Ok we need to stop saying XD XD
welcome to mineverse! go on creative with me some time ill send u a tpa request
Oh i didnt know there was alread a thread like this XD Well i guess theres 2 now
Well here goes nothing I guess XD This is me a few months ago (PS im not the guy in the back XD) [IMG] Post pictures of u below!
Oh, the origin of the universe is quite simple. We live in an infinite fractal. At least that's what I believe because it makes complete sense and...
Science is stranger than fiction.
Im going to make a band called -5 seconds of winter XD
Whats urs?