yes i Think he would be the best guard ever :D He is nice
1. Tiara_Bella 2. SelenaSHS 3.she tryed to lava kill someone
my gawd it wont let me upplode the file!
SelenaSHS i lava killing ppl
Hi Prison is super laggy after kronus made the server chrash. So someone plz fix it you can't play prison without lagging alot!!!!! :(
i have known u so long änd u are a nice person dood
be guard u are the best :D
yeah i maybe lag but maybe u hack?
no thats your skin dood
im gonna do it im just trying to find out how i find the sccrenshots
u stop it
Wafflezzzzzzzzzzz grifes and hacks he finds chests
Nightwing0111 is always trying to lava kill me! jail him or something