Your ingame name: ertuiop357 The offender's ingame name: _iJokerr_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: making death wishes...
@GbDuck A300s don't have 4 engines
wat hacker situation
worst 2017 song yet for me actually theres one even worse:"we do it best"
sTaTuS uPdAtE? wow im using a new meme
I used to count like that to unbore myself when i was younger (Yes that is a weird way to unbore yourself) 512+512=1024
why go on?
Wowowow ur boss member and sr mod congrats
for me: go to sleep at 2am, wake up at 10am
your IGN: ertuiop357 the rule-breaker's IGN: hellow123 how did they break the rules: telling the ip of another server ("advertising") evidence:...
the title explains my suggestion
should i even do an official gbye
same actually came back for some minutes
how did he get inside a window?