i'm mature enough. I'm sure of it.
what can I do to get better? How can I improve this?
Sorry, but no support. You should follow that template and add more details. You did good though.
Beginning Hi guys! My name is Evan. My in-game name is Snowboarder714. I live in the USA(Bountiful Utah). Mineverse is my favorite server and the...
How old are you? I am 11 years old, and I turn 12 May 23 this year Your in-game name: My in game name is Snowboarder714. My real name is Evan...
ok and i'll try that
let me try again...
do I just have to do more detail?
how do I do better?
Close both of these. Let me try again
how do I put more detail in?
did I do ok?
I posted another one. W/ more detail
I want my first one closed
How old are you? I am 11 years old. I'm almost 12. I turn 12 May 23 Your in-game name: My in-game name is Snowboarder714 What timezone are you...
I'm not begging. But I don't think that was a valid ban. You didn't warn me.
Please MaxNinja10. At least shorten the ban. I'm just 11. How should I know that was staff inpersonment?
MaxNinja10! I didn't think that I deserved a ban that long. I didn't know that I was doing anything wrong. I won't do it again though.
How old are you? I am 12 years old Your in-game name: Snowboarder714 What timezone are you in? I live in the utah timezone What country do you...