town hall lvl 4 is gonna take ages in Clash of clans ;-;
Support and no support means that if a player wants something, they tell their opinion. I don't think this should be added to mineverse.
No support. I don't believe you are the age you stated, because you make tons of grammar mistakes If you do get moderator here, you will be...
No support
Crown hall lvl 4 is gonna take ages in Clash of clans ;-;
I haven't seen any of them
@Topmass22 @SarahB @bananaman11223 @Darkshadow5678 @froekoewoekoe @ReeseSW @canucksfan44 @cooldudejoshua
1. skylanderdavid 2. @Ducky 3. Disrespecting @Skillbill63 (Calling him a squeak, which means he corrects people all the time) In their signature...
If it doesn't come in less than 24 hours, email [email protected] Put your exact username and your proof of purchase (receipt)
You want him to lose all his worlds, Resource packs, logs, etc.?
Ban evading much?
Become more active, I haven't seen you online on the forums/in-game Try becoming use to the forums; Using the comment button on profiles and using...
You're very lucky you got someone to return your picks. I lost 3 old lycoans and more.
75% support!
Sorry for not saying happy birthday. I was sick an d I was extremely busy. Happy birthday and Merry Christmas!
No support, In-game I just saw you advertising your moderator application.
On all global servers (Except skywars, You will have to use /g) MVP And up can use color codes.
Welcome to the Mineverse Forums! If you need any assistance with anything, feel free to ask me or any other fellow players or staff members! :)
We need More moderators to cover more time zones. I see a lot of Australian players playing MV when it's night for me. Yet we have no moderators...