How so?
People will abuse this.
You are not going to get it. If you are allowed to do this, everyone else on mineverse will do this, people would abuse this. Also, You cannot...
When the game opened, alpha picks mined 3 stacks and 3 of each block. After Cyp found out it was better than Titan, he made them terrible
Yeah this will totally happen
Maybe instead of Op skywars, we add hardcore skywars?
50% Support. Mining and swords skills would be too op. But we could make some really unique things in our plots with it (Working basketball. Make...
skylanderdavid I hope that you come back one day keg, we will miss you :sorry:
Titan is definitely not worth it. I had someone upgrade me from God to Titan. Elite and Maybe God
Right click the mob you want to be a baby, and click the wheat (Not all mobs in the game have baby versions)
I'm starting to think if I should just suicide. My life is terrible anyways.
I was not brought into this world for a reason. I do not belong anywhere on this planet. I deserve to die in hell.
Take your time guys. Handle every other report before this one.
Can you please handle my skyblock report against uriagus99? I have been waiting 12 days not 1 mod has replied.
How so? It is not in help or Moderator applications, and they posted in a thread older that 30 days with no reply.
Kitpvp: Minecraftnerd234 Skyblock: I would like to say myself Hellblock: Me (and my island members) or LizardKeeper13 (and their island members)...
Man. Go into op prison, move, and type in /seen Ebola
Cyp already confirmed that Mineverse will never get Unban keys or tickets. You did the punishment now pay the consequences.
Sorry, I'm use to just tag the moderators