I suggest that you make it so you can't fly in allies bases or near other claims due to the fact you can just claim a chunk of land besides the...
Finally thanks though
Literally you just need two clicks to get to the game mode you need to. Stop being lazy and just do it lmao. No Support.
Jesus when is OPFactions going to be released, it's been like a month since it's been down.
I'm confused
Who are you again
Damn you got me
Yeah that makes you really cool
Yeah if you want to be considered a rapist lmao
You get girls? Lmao, sure when you probably drug them
You don't have a genitalia though
You probably tell your mom you're going to school but you smoke weed all the time. You wonder why school isn't helping you lmao
You're Caitlyn Jenner though
You don't even go to school obviously...