L1melightLC SubSonicRage AutoCrits [MEDIA]
that was kinda the point
IGN: L1melightLC PvP skills: 3.14159265 Rank: Elite Time online: 9 hours or so because I'm a no life tryhard Communication: Skype, Teamspeak,...
L1melightLC Sortedal no slowdown [MEDIA]
Your ingame name: L1melightLC The offender's exact ingame name: larsso100 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Walking on...
L1melightLC Kriinge Pretty obvious in my opinion [MEDIA]
BlackZone, in the video of me using "macros" I had OP_Greenman9 *A titan* heal me, if he would have pushed tab in the video you could have seen that.
Your ingame name: L1melightLC The offender's exact ingame name: Oreyx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Aimbot (obvi) Kill...
I'm not on the forums much simply because I'm busy in game most of the time, thanks for the critisism anyway.
The servers you're applying for? OpPvp and KitPvP How old are you? I am turning 16 Jan 25th :D Your in-game name: L1melight What timezone...
My ign: L1melight His ign: buymyghostclient server: oppvp Description: well, you know, its not the most obvious thing but you can see the...
L1melight OP4Lyfe Tp Trapping o-o [MEDIA]
Recording hackers got banned for "hacking" that's new.
Around 17 seconds when he hits me through the wall.
L1melight 3asyPvP Killaura/AntiKB [MEDIA]
L1melight Benjamn_2002 Killaura/Antikb [MEDIA]
L1melight ReSpeed Killaura/Antikb pls [MEDIA]
L1melight DMP601 AntiKB [MEDIA]
L1melight Punchpunk Killaura :/ [MEDIA]
L1melight Bentennis44 and RyanMartel Killaura and AntiKB [MEDIA]