Ign:TiggyX19 Game mode banned on:OpPvp Link to accepted appeal:http://www.mineverse.com/threads/oppvp-tiggyx19-panda-accepted.39362/ Timezone and...
1.I payed with google wallet 2.I can't screenshot on my PC 3.I didn't receive a email
I didnt screenshot or anything though. After the purchase I was inactive on mine verse.
I bought Titan a few weeks ago, but it didn't work. HELP!
cy plz check my ban appeal!!
Your ingame name:_Jayboy_ The offenders name:SLOfireSLO A description of the rule they broke/How they broke it: By scamming me out of a stack of...
IGN:Jayboy, until Tiggy is unbanned. What Server Rank Are You? Default Which Server Do you Play Most? Op Pvp What Rank Do You Want To Apply?(If...
I wont do that
Your ingame name: _Jayboy_ The offenders name: Emilen A Description of how they broke the rule: by hacking Evidence:[media]
I want to change
Color is not a factor in a mod app read how to judge a applacant
First off, id like to say thanks to noobcrew for making this Awsome, amazing server. Also, since everyone knows I need to improve my act on this...
Sorry guys ill stick with this from now on.
Ik i was just jokin
Introduction Hey guys! I have decided to try out for Mod, simply because I love helping out on this server. Thank you everyone that has inspired...
Your ingame name: _Jayboy_ The offender's name: Enderslayer98 A descripiton of how this player broke the rules:By hacking Evidence:[media]
CypriotMerks plz check my ban appeal i really wanna be unbanned
Dude plz stay on topic. SUPPORT! My older bro would make a great mod
your in-game name:TiggyX19 The moderator name:Firo300 Rules they broke:Disrespect/ banning for no reason Evidence:Banned:FOR NO REAL REASON BUT...