@StrKillr saw the island as well. I have 2 videos (sorry for the late upload) [MEDIA] [MEDIA] I think first video is enough evidence. Let me...
Wait... Pancakes and waffles are different?? X) my life is a lie.
There's my mariachi bae. <3 X) grats! :D
no it was supposed to be a prank
IGN allendeatduster
The IGN is zxz_L0U15zxz those are 0, 1, 5[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hi sniper!!! You look like Josh Peck :D <3
could be one of the scammers i know ;_; i hope you get on soon.
I hope it'll be soon! SB has been very chaotic. lots of griefers. Who the hell charged you back -_-"
Thank you!! When are you coming back as a mod? <3
Please see this google document. We gathered opinions and suggestions from a lot of SkyBlock players especially those who are threatening to...