yeah i went in and out for like 4 times and then when i went back to SB it just crashes my entire game
We're back again!
hi hun :D
Hi! For some reason I can't get on archerpvp!
not really. we went back on recently :)
I miss you too man! We're back on! :D
HI Son!!!!
Your forums account name: Aysululul The offender's forums account name (link to profile): D3x_Unleaked A description of what rule they broke/how...
Me: "What is your favorite fruit?" Student: "Coke." M: "uh. what?" S: "Coke... Coca Cola" M: "that's not a fruit." S: "oh. it's not?"
I'm somehow no different kekekekekek
bahahah. surprisingly, this immature player is actually a teacher
lmao yeah. why? X)
Fries 4 lyf
Why? Is it because I'm Asian? X) lmao See you soon