And thats why people use "No Support" or "Neutral" until they start getting to know them they usually change there response
This looks exactly like one of the other threads, sounds like a good idea. But ima have to stick to nuetral
ok u want me to give a reason? i no supported because, some people dont know the applicants, so they can't really give any feedback. And having...
they're both about post farming using, support/no support. This should probably be closed
No support
are all these rants starting because they didnt/havent gotten mod on mineverse
just take off infection and bring back prison or something new
Thing is, people tend to apply for moderator and once there promoted they go either completely inactive. Or they just don't get on as often as...
Thanks Owner
think it does now thinking about it, titan gets nothing near worth $125, knowing when you could heal again would make it some what better
this would be good, support
maybe just a new map, or some new updates... I don't think there should be a full on reset
No support, i dont want you knowing when to heal me
College is a waste of time
you could see the bountys on the ncp at spawn on op pvp
gg boys