his name is Fabio_Crafter [ he is god ]
[MEDIA] scammed me for mc cape [ 2000 ing money ]
a torch is not able to get its crafted [ a litle place was not protected thats how they get it ]
pls remove the auto sniper [ the torch ] its like 2 seconds to kill someone with p1 diamond armor [ its souldbound i know ] but pls remove it i...
i also idk eccactly but cant get autosniper anymore and jumpers
doesnt matter if ur naza [ chainsaw and other rare items is to op ]
i mean the chainsaw [ also i died again by a guy with only a chainsaw and a car ] its to op [ he ride hard so cant hit but he hit me i died whit...
[ and where can someone find them or buy them ] the most peaple dont know that
auto snipers [ to op ] maby they do 12 - 20 dmg and can shoot 5 times 12 - 20 dmg chainsaws idk but 20 damage is mutch i was killed by one he...
GTA do someone know how to get a chainsaw etc rare items like auto sniper only a few peaple have it and they dont die its to op if almost no one...
do someone know how to get a chainsaw etc rare items like auto sniper only a few peaple have it and they dont die its to op if almost no one have...
Yes you can lock this thread
thanks i have send a email to it hope it will fix
can you help me with survival on mineverse can u help me : im robin my firs mc name is robinybs and i changed my name in GameZiseFX but now i cant...
hey dude will be fine if you can see the reports http://www.mineverse.com/forums/report-a-player.86/
hacker name : SpeedyNinjaZ my name : GameZiseFX video : [media]
Thanks i send a email to it
oh yea i got now fully p4 and i will watch when ill rek u XD
my name : GAmeZiseFX hacker name : Wario957 video : [media]
hello im robin my youtube channel is GameZiseFX i changed my name to GameZiseFX and now i cant build anymore in my protected house and my homes...