TexasKids101 JahJah8oh8 He was hacking by swimming fast in the water and kill aura and he even admits it.
Sorry I haven't been on lately-I have so much going on in life xD
Ok I have my full list up here, but if i can lower it to 3 here it is: @Nightfire88539 @Noobcrew @xxxvan
I would for @Nightfire88539 He is a great guy :)
No support. I don't want to lose my hard work.
Umm i'm gonna try @Nightfire88539 @[Titan]BigDogleman @xxxvan @Ordinateur7 @ScoFu13 @Lola Perez @Firo3000 @MaxNinja10 @henriford123 @NoobCupCake...
Nice profile picture
New profile picture :P bored...
Almost Active Member I just need more likes and Trophy points so after i get 25 likes i get 10 trophy points and i will get active member
oh ok :3
Ok night just wondering when are you gonna get Mod? because your application is really good
Ok Thanks My Vote Works Now So Can Some On Shut This Down?
My in-game name: TexasKids101 Report persons in-game name: creeper_Count10 What they broke: advertising ScreenShot: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Ok Thanks
Hello ts TexasKids101 And When I Try To Vote This Happens So Please Fix It