I didn't literally mean we should use GWEN or GCheat (Used them for an example), I meant we should have some anticheat to stop hackers. So less...
lol someone is triggered.
Why are you even here? Gtfo if you don't give a dam about what is happening in prison. And yes I'm triggered.
what do you mean?
Yay, Cyp you did something. Can you fix the rest of prison?
This is just dragging too long. Ever since the worldguard failing, things in prison is going down, FAST. Ill list the main problems and should be...
Oh Nvm, then ill give 3mil for prison money. When I get 3mil :/
Trading 3million prison money for mvp rank. Currently premium rank. As the exchanges are 100k=$1 IRL money I think MVP cost around $25 So I...
Being better than you.
My ign : JackIsFlexy Hackers ign : SemperFi_USMC Attempts to fly hack [MEDIA]
I quit forums. Goodbye.
Thats ironic.
You should know, worldguard was down and the owners had to disable plots and cells. Worldguard has been fixed so they should be able to fix the...
They have been broken for months and the owners are too lazy to fix it.
No one plays prison these days. Many good players quit. The only people that go on are newcomers which they just leave because they don't know how...
Wow, you really got me.
I took 2 minutes to make this, what do you expect....... :P
Dear Head Mods and Owners of this 'Server' I would like to tell you guys to fix the plot and cells. I mean, Whats so hard. You guys worry about...
Prison, OPpvp