Well this competition is a fail.... only 3 entries.
I already know, its that Changin Purifiedz dude.
thx XD bye bye I'm at school.
@DeadQueen234 Already did a rant http://www.mineverse.com/threads/mv-prison-advertise.102162/
Already did one @DeadQueen234 http://www.mineverse.com/threads/mv-prison-advertise.102162/
nvm I'm at school.
Hi @DeadQueen234
Oh ;-; Happy Birthday? :)
Wait, when was your bday?
Hi @Sparky_Danger :>
Yay thats my timezone!!
My IGN: JackIsFlexy Suspected Hacker's IGN: MouseyFB Hacks: ClickAimbot Description: Blatant Hacks, a few headsnaps while eating. [MEDIA]
Yeh, Wbc offered 750k lol.
Just know me as the cancer of MV forums
Don't you love it when your the only person on the server? Don't you love it when everything is glitched in a server? Well, buddy You came to the...
Your forums account name: JackIsFlexy The offender's forums account name (link to profile): Jdpowerr A description of what rule they broke/how...
Rn, the most I would but it for is 200-250k :/
Still doing trade, but for 3 million prison money.
No one does rank upgrades. If they do, its 99% that they are scamming.