1.Where is your homeland? Planet Earth 2.What colours do you like? Blue 3.If you had a 5 million what would you do? Invest it. 4.Who think you...
Support, You are very nice ingame. <3
Can you fix the glitch?
Do /mcability to toggle super breaker.
How bout Senior Moderators?
k then....
Lie on the floor, until death takes effect.
Standing in the sun for 1 hour without moving nearly made me faint.
Support because you live in my hometown. <3
Wait, you can talk about games other than Minecraft as well.! I didn't know that was a thing.
@Linux , @StrKillr , @NoMoreSanity Close this.
m8 , lol
Pets are useless Tbh, just deal with the fact that your pet disappears. I mean the only thing you could do with a pet is pet hiding :/
For any Sr-mods who are going to retire in the near future, will they get a rank like the head mods?
School has hit me. Its never going to be the same ;-;
63% I fluked the quiz lel.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDnEFfIPrlA Foils in one of Painful's vids. !
Me: ItzOnlyJason Accused: DrxpTheBeat Hacks: ClickAimbot, Killaura?? He still hit me when he was clearly spinning at 0.02-0.04 [MEDIA]
Me: ItzOnlyJason Hacker: IkBenMaarJarnooo Hacks: Killaura, Headsnap on 0.04 Use Slowmo on the Yt tabs below. [MEDIA]