Wait.. Who's pile again?
Neutral I've never seen you in game -Never seen you in game -Take away all the ------- -Add some color - I personally think you need to wait a...
I don't think that is true ugly is spelled ugly bootiful is spelled bootiful
Your bootiful
Well now it's stuck in my head tonight :P
That's my intro you can go look at it
Neutral* but thanks for your feedback! Is there anything I can do to get your support?
I have seen you in game many times in May but I'm on vacation right now so I can't be online except forums. Also the time zones.
Hehe @NoMoreSadness (Trinazoid) come look :)
Why thank you!
Thank for your support!
Ehh neutral why not it would be less work for mods.
It's not an excuse, but I do realize that I shouldn't have done it. thank you! I wasn't muted for post farming not but if I was link please? I...
That is very true.
I'm on vacation don't have access to a computer for a week so I can only be on forums.
I will tell all them that your cheating on them :O
Support! Word word