oh ma gahd, you look like my little brothers old teatcher
SUPPORT i hope :pomp: adds you back :D ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Paradox @Ares_Xena ban him for using hacks? he has WeepCraft
thanks for the supports
i was litteraly afk for 10 seconds to get my fallen mouse and i was dead :s
hey guys, so recently i have noticed a problem on archerpvp to where people can hit you with switcher arrows into pvp and kill you wile you are...
In-game name? FrozenWarrior Scale of 1-10 how good are you? 7 Do you use P3+ only? most of the time Does your sword have knockback on it? my...
why did you dislike my post?
i can be on
ok, but just saying, paypal always works for me, and i have bought like 20 stuff on mineverse using paypal and nothing went wrong
if pops did that, then i hope my brothers old account can get mvp to its new account, because it already has mvp but it can have elite :D
try doing it again, use paypal, or email [email protected] with your problem and proof
support, or it could be player vaults
no just no support
can we do this again :D
banned for having a picture with no scene of gravity xD
woah, http://gyazo.com/5cc745390b03cbeb02c438c31765000e is your lucky number 58 ;p
banned for having an invalid profile picture