@Nanurz thank you all in a days work for your friendly neighborhood parasite
nope u forged the print screen
racism amiright? http://prntscr.com/brrank
of the filter just just be removed in general; it doesn't prevent anything there's always a way around it.......
Rest Assured MV Teamspeak Mods support our players in need of help http://prntscr.com/boihqu
There has been literally 0 damage done and all @PvP_Forever has done is reported the fact that prison broke, and the owner get triggered over it...
@CypriotMerks @TADS @samuelgamer123 if there is no evidence to the accusations why is he banned? they dont throw people in jail because they...
@TADS then why tf are there rules? @TADS why tf should we follow rules when the co-owner cant even follow his own xD; this is literally hypocracy lol
@Levis but he showed and reported what the problem was, how is reporting abusing? are u that retarded?
@Levis how is it abusing when he recorded and told staff about the problem to eventually fix the problem
@Levis then that shouldnt be his fault, it would be the owners job to maintain what he owns
Op factions Died
69 (wanted more characters so here we go)
@DinoDuck rules were meant to be broken though
@Infinxty_ thats r00d
50 there we go
@PandaBear__ daz r00d
im just a Parasite
the infamous X_TheReaper_X/ V3N0M
@Bailxy thats my line dont take it