Sorry but ur request was declined
We Are Voting
Um apply to join the clan
This is a clan recruitment threat for Impact,If u want to join this clan u will have to fill out a format that tells us information about u.We kos...
Ur in the group lol
Ur the leader? i dont think so :P
May Some1 inform me if i got accepted or not? :/ Rodeen or SourPatchSpartan?
My Ign: Tiger64xd I am 12 1-10 How good am i in PvP : im around 6-7 I am Elite Time Online: 3-4 hours on school days/4-5 hours on weekends...
Thank you for informing me
Have i been accepted? Just curious
IGN: Tiger64xd Age:12 1-10 Skill: 6/10 Rank: Sponsor Social Media: Skype and Teamspeak Reason Why I Want To Join: I want to join since Rizec told...
I Left Swarm but i might join back since u might need me :/ and i said i was just taking a break from clans for a while.
well foils is in another clan
Swarm Is Falling Apart!!!
k informing the team.
Welcome to the team
We are voting ;D