Instead of making boosting bannable, just placing barrier blocks would do fine.
I could see a problem with titans who troll. If they heal all, it would spam the chat and you might get targeted for typing /heal *
What aspect, if you play survival that's fine, but if you actually use 1.9 for pvp...
But who even plays 1.9...
The people who say "not enough op spots" are the players who probably haven't been on infection long enough. If you've spent months playing...
Many spots are one way, making it too overpowered for campers.
Define "bow spam". Based on how you describe it, "bow spam" is when multiple humans group together and all shoot at one player making them...
Support. However, as Prins stated, it isn't a bug. This was added in order to reduce the amount of chat spammers who kept repeating the same...