When you weren't there because you got murdered by the people who have no respect for rule enforcers...
Is this the same "mordor" chunk? If so, is there any way to check the history of a warp name to see the coords?
That's what prestiges are for. I doubt anyone has reached p1 yet, which is why I wish they didn't reset it.
Can you get online? I can give you the 3k in kit pvp money.
[IMG] Not surprised one bit.
Kind of like a next level towny. Support!
I can donate $3000, if it helps.
You can still sell TNT in the shop, even though I doubt anyone does that. I do support the adding of buy signs for items such as book shelves....
How did you go through my 10mil... Sorry, don't really play so I don't have anymore :(
I believe the buy signs for TNT were removed due to griefing issues (just in case?). However, I think they should be added back, since there's...
So combat log kill?
How did he die at mordor? I believe the corrupted chunk only kicks you, but doesn't kill.
I honestly don't know how to help you. When I was in mordor before, I bought a tp to spawn and it worked. Unless you could somehow lag out of the...
Angel beats was sad, however, I feel that the ending of Akame Ga Kill could have been more depressing, had they elaborated on the characters.
If you get all potion effects, you get slowness, blindness, wither, and poison. Good luck killing them when you can't see and chase them :D
There's always flaws that must be solved.
Eyyyy https://gyazo.com/d277a9efc30dd14bdfde22ba47c9ef93
The last time I saw Terrick...
Well, all I can tell you is survival has its flaws.
Were there bridges and stairs around the area or in the area? Also, the nether may be a bit buggy. From the time I've seen you, I would assume you...