Why hello there :D We gotta skype on of these days man :p
Welcome to the forums little dude :P Have fun on the server!
Welcome to the forums :) Here's a free like, to keep you coming :D
Thank Thank You Jamis :)
Based on your app, I would say no. Based on the 3 pages of arguing, I say no. Based on your attitude on prison, I say no. So... It's a no from me....
Thanks Jadey, I appreciate the support man
I think you should lose the poll, there kind of tacky, and they don't really help your chances. Other then that, good luck
Thank you Harry, I don't know If I have really seen you on the server, but I hope we meet :p
How old are you? As of yesterday, 16! ;) Your in-game name: challenger410 (planning on changing it to "TheRobeE" when name changes are...
Welcome To Mineverse!
My IGN: Challenger410 Offenders IGN: dominos9 Rule broke:Spam Proof:
Maybe because the forums makes us Happy :D Nothing wrong with that!
Fair enough. I'll just make sure not to do many deal with this player often in the future. I'm glad it was only 3k. But it's a matter of...
You are breaking your own loophole rule :3 You are DQ'd from your own event
The screenshots show the rules. You have to make the rule for me to make a loophole for it. Either add me back in or pay me back.
Your ingame name: Challenger410 The offender's ingame name: TheDragonsLover A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming. She...
pics or GTFO xD jk
do i pic or u nub.
Why not just have a sign that levels you up, instead of buying bottles? like $10 gives you 3 levels.