crayon1983 AenemusHD kill aura [media]
do u want me to post the file with the added date? so everyone knows its from today?
and the reason i couldnt touch him outside the house is becauase wen you have force field the surrounding people cant get get near the ff hacker
why did you say that when there is a video of u hacking above. your head is spinning soo fast
crayon1983 beast_in hacks- killaura [media]
Your ingame name:crayon1983 The offender's ingame name:deathshadow77, englanddd, slash2255 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
crayon1983 creepplaysMC hacks- kill aura [media]
crayon1983 flameslinger818 and inferno1883 hacks- fastbow killaura [media]
its sooo obvious in this one. after he said he recorded me lol
crayon1983 langelo131 hacks- killaura [media]
i use remix and monster
it stops at 3:00 min.
crayon1983 jcristian5 kill aura. fastbow due to no bow pullback [media]
Your ingame name:crayon1983 The offender's ingame name:zero insanity A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:hacks - killaura...
i know that and i realize i have to do the time. just how much time though. ive been gone 6 days. is that long enough?
no i didnt know she wasnt online and im sorry for reporting her
im sorry i didnt realize you were inactive