By the way that's a good song you have as your hype song
Please lock it
But heres the secret none of you seem to get. I don't care what you think about me
Lol I have anger issues. I love you guys haha. Why are people still on this? Who cares it was a troll app and my goal was to make you upset. Looks...
@GizzBots the only one on the entire server with a little bit of common sense :)
Shut up dumb you don't know what you are talking about. You cry about everything and that's real BS. Go into your laundry room and find...
it actually is true, why would i say it if it isn't true idiot
uh im 14 turning 15 on june 28... i have moderated mineplex before that is not a lie. when the server was first getting started i had a spot on...
yes i am... follow me on instagram rayden_11
thank you.
thank you ;_;
How old are you? 14 Your in-game name: crayon1983 What timezone are you in? canada What country do you live in? canada What languages do you...
i use skill aura not kill aura
aww **DO NOT CUSS ON FORUMS** game over for good boys. talk to all of you guys sometime in the future. peace
can i have a chance?
360 noscope double yy tripple fakie crane shot that is how you know all hope is lost for you getting laid
lol im perma banned for hacks so im leaving too if that makes you feel better :')
I am sorry to all of my friends here on mineverse. its been a real journey and i have made some good friends and had some good memories
i dont think anyone wants you to moderate you seem like the kind of person who would abuse perms like banning people who kill you. idk ive just...
Your ingame name:crayon1983 The offender's ingame name:GeniusForLive A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:kill aura...