YES screen
Omg ty !! <3
person: ur so emo me: don't ever call me emo *15 minutes later listening to screamo* me: im so emo lol
Thank you for the follow, it is appreciated.
Welcome to the forums trystin!
Well if you're interested in apply use the following link and make sure to use the correct format!...
Thank you for your feedback!
@cheetahswimmer may this thread please be closed?
Thank you, you aswell!
Hello everyone! I think this would be a very interesting thread to start. I have always wondered what people upon this community look like! If you...
banned for being a cheetah c:
Thank you all so much for your feedback!
Aw thank you all soooo much this just makes my heart melt!!
Well thank you for your feedback anyways !
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my application!!
Thank you so much!! Also, I float around the server so im on everything!!
My name is Kathrine. It was originally based off the Katherine in the book "Holes". But anyways. As you know Katherine from Holes has an 'E'...