pickled u will accept or deny the request on both pages i will not be involved
same app as pickled_turnips
Introduction Welcome to Fire clan Page So far we only have a sky block clan but soon will expand with more people. We are willing to accept new...
i know u!! lol Support all da way :pomp: U would be a great mod :bag: Good luck:cool:
I'm still not unbanned from the server :( i can't get on to remove the shop
who can control this situation (i do know where to post in my defense I'm not a noob -_- )
i know this isn't the place to post in my defense but i just needed to catch some1 with lots of power
Ingame name: Party509 Mods name: abol im not really here to report but abol has banned me from hell block for selling illegal items and i did i...
Warp ZooYork (skyblock) Warp GameStop (Hellblock)
Hellblock is here :>
Hurray hellblock is here:happy:
Fair rules
Hai msp
Warp Zooyork for a cool shop (skyblock)
i need help can some1 tell me how to upload a screen shot pls :D
HI :) Im bored
support even thought i don't know u u sound like a good person ;):cool:
it would be nice if donors could keep their powers
ur lucky i can't find my screen shot